Throughout the century-and-a half that the family firm of Rowland Brothers Funeral Directors, have served the people of Croydon and surrounding areas, care and support of the bereaved has been a top priority. This led to the establishment of the Rowland Brothers Foundation for this purpose in 1984. It has been a registered charity since 2017, providing free ongoing bereavement support and counselling to bereaved families for as long as necessary from the moment of bereavement.

A crucial and much-needed new project has started in January 2022 beginning at Oasis school, Shirley Park.

The Rowland Brothers Foundation Schools Project is funded by our charity and partially by the National Lottery. The project is in response to the fact that 30 young people were stabbed and murdered in London, including Croydon, in 2021.

The Schools Project provides qualified and trained under 18 bereavement professionals to help pupils and staff alike deal with the bereavement and trauma associated with knife crime fatality.

In addition, Rowland Brothers Foundation have funded and provided free child bereavement training to Croydon schools since 2018, which will of course continue.

Our intention is to expand the Schools Project to multiple Croydon schools where needed.