Sending Ashes into Space

We carry your loved one’s ashes to the edge of space, where they are gently released into the stratospheric winds which encircle the globe. They will travel for many months, spreading out across all the seas and continents of our planet. Bit by bit, they will drift into lower portions of the atmosphere. Tiny droplets of moisture will form around the ashes which fall as rain or snow, coming to rest across the world and ultimately releasing their nutrients back into nature to support new life and growth.

The unique scattering vessel has been purpose-designed to provide a visually spectacular scatter every time. It is carried into space by a custom-made latex balloon filled with renewable hydrogen gas. Over the course of ninety minutes, your loved one ascends to a height of 100,000 feet, above 99.5% of the Earth’s atmosphere, where you can see the curvature of the Earth and the blackness of space, before being gently scattered in front of our state-of-the-art camera. The equipment then returns safely to Earth to be recovered.


Sending a Ceremonial Portion of Ashes into Space

If you’d like to celebrate your loved one’s passion for space while keeping their earthly remains close, we can arrange to send a ceremonial portion of their ashes into space, returning them to your care after the launch in a premium miniature urn.

These flights travel to the same breath-taking heights as the scattering launch and you will receive a digital certificate noting the details of the flight and a memorial video sharing the unique view of our Earth from the edge of space.

Funeral Plans for Scattering Ashes

If you’ve always wanted to travel to space and are interested in a launch for your own memorial, we can arrange to pre-book your ashes to be scattered in space.

You can plan everything in advance so you know you’ll be remembered just as you’d like and will help you ensure your plans are understood and respected by your loved ones.

There are several options for the funeral plan including paying now, or spreading the cost over time.

Want to know more?

Learn about different options for cremated remains: